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Monsieur Inwood

The Fair Maison et Objet 2017


The Fair Maison et Objet 2017

An innovative fair

My dear readers,

My job occupies a large part of my time, however it is a choice that I have made and that I fully assume. I must confess that the time I spend on practicing my profession is not a source of pain. I like what I do and I do it with a lot of fun!

It is true that every morning I get up happy to start a new day, I enjoy remembering this maxim of Confucius which said « Choose a job you love and you will not work a single day of your life ». Although I like my job, this quote does not mean that I am not facing difficulties when I practice it.

One of the major complexities of the architectural profession is inspiration. Indeed, people make application for your services for particularly accurate, unique and mainly tailor-made requests. I can not afford to duplicate the same creation otherwise it will hurt my hard-built reputation as a creative architect and designer.

This is why I am delighted to find at the beginning of the year, an essential event of the profession, this show allows me to converse with counterparts or to perfect my imagination just by looking different universes exposed. It is a key event, it allows in four days to discover almost 3 000 brands presented by exhibitors. I hope this will infuse a new dynamic of creativity into my mind to start the year 2017 full of inspiration.

The Crafts of Art

This show Maison & Objet, will take place in Villepinte from January 20th to 24th, will have as main theme « French Design » with as sponsor Pierre Chapin a famous designer, visual artist and scenographer.

The house center, the object center and influence center will share the entire fair. I do not say any other word except that this fair offers its visitors a unique and rich experience by the different universes it exposes. It is enough to be guided by the path proposed directly as the entry by these three themes. It is an event that allows me to propose surprising universes to my customers it is that why I can not miss it.

Being interior designers or architects are job in constant evolution crafts because as fashion, tastes and trends in the interior change. The Maison et Objet understood this issue and proposed the « Rising Talents 2017 ».

Six artists from design, fashion and architecture sponsor young and coming artist to support their works. The universes of those young and rising artists will be exhibited like for example Zuza Mengham supported by Tom Dixon (designer and Creator M & O) or Studio Swine supported by Nigel Coates (architect and designer). It is an event that I await with great impatience I am admiring the imagination of these creators by the different universes that they will expose.

If you like exploring new atmospheres for indoor scenes, new design or trendy furniture, I highly recommend this event. I will leave you dear reader on a quote from Daniel Pennac « When you can not change the world, you have to change the scenery ».

See you soon!

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