The national school of Fine Arts
Dear all readers,
I'd like to share with you an event that I hope it will meet your needs. From the 30th June 2016 and for two days, the doors of the mythical National School of Fine Arts will be open to the general public. With the opening of more than 40 studios, it’s a real opportunity to discover the work of the future designers and architects from the country. As an interior designer, this event enables me to confront myself to the new generation of artists and let me soak up of the multiple inspirations which compose it. It is equally fascinating to discover the new accomplishments and to feel the emotions of these young artists proud to be able to present an accomplished work.
A place full of history
Back in Paris to honour the custom-made order of an interior design for a client, I had to inspire myself with the diverse influences who had built up my know-how. By presenting my first work, I was excited to be able to offer to my client a personal creation but at the same time I was afraid to the idea of facing up to its judgement. Following a 15 year career, I was still dreading its verdict ! This strong feeling will never cease accompanying the artist which, by presenting authentic creations, is in fact always confronted with himself. For me, it is valuable to meet those people that use their skills at the service of art, to encourage them and to express with them some words on our lives of artists full of emotions.
The event is located at the 14th street of Bonaparte in the 6th district of Paris. In this place full of history which has welcomed a significant number of renowned artists as Ingres, Henri Matisse or Sylvie Fanchon, don't miss your chance to meet these passionate people in the prestigious National School of Fine Arts.
Oscar Wilde wrote : “The youth is an art.”
My dear readers, it’s with these few words that inspire you to go out that I leave you.
See you soon,