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Die auf diesem Formular angegebenen Informationen zu Ihrer Person sind für die Nutzung durch unsere Einrichtung und unsere technischen Dienstleister bestimmt, um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten. Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie für personenbezogene Daten zu. Gemäß dem geänderten Gesetz Nr. 78-17 vom 6. Januar 1978 und der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung haben Sie das Recht auf Zugang, Berichtigung, Löschung, Widerspruch und Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten. Sie haben auch das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit und die Festlegung von Richtlinien für die Verwaltung Ihrer Daten nach Ihrem Tod. Diese Rechte können Sie per E-Mail an die Adresse ausüben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den rechtlichen Hinweisen.


The present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website regulate access to and use of the Website.

If you disagree with the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website, we ask that you leave the Website immediately. By continuing to use the website, you acknowledge that you have been informed of the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and that you accept and agree to abide by the latter.



The website, which can be accessed via the URL (“Website”), is published by the HELIONWOOD company, a simplified joint stock company with a sole shareholder and a capital of EUR 48 192 919. It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 504 196 999. Its headquarters are located at 6 rue de Berri, 75008 Paris.

Telephone: +33 (0) 1 84 79 36 20


EU VAT no.: FR72 504 196 999



Ms Catherine Duvot-Cohen.



The Website is developed, maintained and hosted by the WEBCOM company, a limited liability company with a share capital of EUR 1,000. Its headquarters are located at 83 rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris. It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under no. 500 333 745. Telephone: 01 83 56 94 62 / Contact:



The information published on the Website, including its appearance and characteristics, are non-contractual. This information does not constitute any assertion, guarantee or commitment on the part of HELIONWOOD with regard to any product or service.

HELIONWOOD refuses to accept any liability, either express or implicit, for this information with regard to its comprehensiveness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose.

HELIONWOOD has made all efforts to ensure that the information accessible on the Website is accurate. However, in no way can we guarantee that this information is accurate, complete or up to date.

HELIONWOOD shall provide no guarantee, express or tacit, regarding all or part of the Website. In no event shall HELIONWOOD be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any nature, which arises from using the Website.

The User is solely responsible for the use of such information.

The User shall be bound to not transmit any information that could result in third-party or criminal liability and shall be bound to not disclose any information via this Website which is illegal, contrary to public order or of a defamatory nature.

HELIONWOOD shall not be held liable, nor its host, for hyperlinks to other websites or online resources in view of the content suggested by the designated websites.



HELIONWOOD reserves the right to modify or correct the content of the Website whatever its nature, at any time and without notice.

The present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website may equally be subject to modifications or corrections, at any time and without notice, notably due to regulatory changes. The new General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website shall apply starting from the date when they are uploaded to the Website. When using the Website after these changes have come into effect, you shall accept the new General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and shall be bound to respect the latter.

For this reason, we ask that you consult them regularly.



Information collected from Internet users through use of a contact form comply with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation. We would like to inform you that your answers are voluntary and that not providing an answer shall not cause any particular consequence. Nevertheless, in certain cases your information must be sufficient to allow us to reply to you and/or process your orders. For further information, please consult our “Privacy” section, which can be accessed by clicking here.

The HELIONWOOD General Terms and Conditions of Sale can be accessed on the Website and are sent to the customer when making a reservation. For further information, please consult our General Terms and Conditions of Sale, which can be accessed by clicking here.

Particular conditions for sales and cancellations for an online reservation or a reservation request are clearly stated on the forms provided for this purpose.



The Website and its content are the exclusive property of HELIONWOOD or are used by the latter with the authorisation of their owner/holder. They are protected by intellectual property rights and notably by trademark law, as well as literary and artistic property law. The Website content includes all of its components, and notably, without this list being exhaustive, all photographs, images, illustrations, text, graphics, multimedia (audio and video), trademarks, logos and software used for the design and operation of the Website.

The use or reproduction of any components published on the Website shall only be authorised for information purposes for personal and private use, excluding any commercial use; any reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly forbidden.

Thus, part or all of the Website content cannot be sold, reproduced, distributed, modified, published, displayed or integrated into a derivative work, for public or commercial purposes, or presented on another Website and, generally, on any medium. Any breach of the present HELIONWOOD General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and/or intellectual property rights shall constitute an act of forgery and may incur the forger’s third-party or criminal liability, and may result in HELIONWOOD initiating prosecution proceedings.



For more information on the methods used by HELIONWOOD regarding data protection and cookies, we ask you to consult our “Privacy” section, which can be accessed by clicking here.



Any claim regarding the Website, the Services provided by HELIONWOOD and/or one of the hotels of the Inwood Group (“Hotels”) must be reported by the Internet user and, if necessary, by a Customer laid down by the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, by registered letter with proof of delivery to:

HELIONWOOD will endeavour to handle this request as best as possible and to reach a resolution of the dispute that conforms to the parties’ interests.

Failing an amicable resolution of the dispute, the Customer shall be able to refer the dispute to the Travel and Tourism Ombudsman, Mr Jean-Pierre Teyssier, at the following address:

MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage

BP 80 303

75823 Paris CEDEX.

For more information about the Travel and Tourism Ombudsman, the Customer can consult its website:



The General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website are subject to French Law, without any conflicting laws being applicable. The competent courts of Paris have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute resulting from the use, interpretation, execution or termination/end of the present terms and conditions.

Hotel Le Monna Lisa - POPUP

We would like to inform our future guests that renovation work will be carried out on the front of the hotel from 23 October to 22 November. The intervention hours, from 9am to 4pm, aim to minimize inconvenience for our clientele. 

However, all usual services remain available, with VIP reception offered to each of our guests during this period. 

The Monna Lisa team remains at your disposal to address your requests and thanks you in advance for your understanding.